How Industry 4.0 Delivers on its Promise for Electrocoating

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Originally Aired - Wednesday, April 20 2:50 PM - 3:20 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Location: Celebration

Event Information

Title: How Industry 4.0 Delivers on its Promise for Electrocoating


According to a 2020 McKinsey & Co report, Industry 4.0 -- the Fourth Industrial Revolution -- will stand on four pillars:

1) Connectivity, data, computational power

2) Analytics and intelligence

3) Human-machine interaction

4) Advanced engineering


We will look at how the four pillars will integrate into our future E-coat Systems.



What does this have to do with E-coat Paint Systems?  Let's imagine the future...


Today – Process Logic Controllers (PLC’s) are on almost every factory floor. While a few are connected to a network, many require the end-user to walk up, look at a panel and notice a problem.  


Ind 4.0 -The PLC reaches out to the end-user when a problem is detected. Faster detection time means faster reaction time and less downtime. 


Today – Due to prohibitively high initial costs and output that is not well organized, many E-coat operators choose not to install monitoring systems on their Ultrafiltration Machines or Anode Cells. 

Ind 4.0 – Advances in microchip technology allow the design of more-affordable and more compact monitoring systems that, in many cases, can be retro-fitted onto existing equipment.  Programming can be customized to ‘curate’ the data, so it is quickly understood.


The presentation will envision the future of E-Coat with Industry 4.0  -- a future with greater agility, clarity and convenience.

Type: Learning Station I: Process Control / Maintenance
