The Use of Electromagnetics to Remove Weld Balls from E-coat Process Streams

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, April 21 3:10 PM - 3:50 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Location: Osceola Ballroom DE

Event Information

Title: The Use of Electromagnetics to Remove Weld Balls from E-coat Process Streams


Electromagnetic Fluid Filtration (EMF) has been used in various industries for decades to remove iron particles from process streams. Recently the Milhous Company's EMF has been explored, tested and accepted as a viable method within the multilevel filtration process of Ecoat systems.


There are various forms of filtration used to remove an assortment of contaminants from pretreatment and electrocoat process streams. Each filtration method is selected and positioned to remove specific contaminants. One contaminant that has been able to elude filtration - resulting in high defects on the end product - are micron-sized iron particles (10µ – 25µ), commonly referred to as weld balls within the industry. Until recently, manufacturers were left with no alternative other than reworking their product to remove and repair the defects caused by these micron-sized weld balls; a costly and time-consuming task. The use of electromagnetics is now considered an efficient and cost-effective solution for removing these problematic weld balls from pretreatment and ecoat process streams. 

Over the last five years, Milhous Company has teamed up with various leaders in the electrocoat industry to explore and test the use of their EMF system for the removal of weld balls. This mature technology has been proven and accepted within the ecoat industry not only due to its 99% efficiency, but also because of its forty-year design life, maintenance-free filter bed, automated back flush and low power consumption.

Type: Learning Station VI: Corrosion and Technology
