Neutral Descaler Rust / Scale Removal Process for Mixed Metals

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, April 21 1:50 PM - 2:20 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Location: Osceola Ballroom DE

Event Information

Title: Neutral Descaler Rust / Scale Removal Process for Mixed Metals


Recent trends toward the use of light-weighting substrates combined with increased corrosion performance requirements in the automotive industry have led to the development of neutral descalers. The application, technology and benefits of neutral descalers for rust and scale removal (specifically in weld areas) will be reviewed.


Light-weighting in the automotive components market is one of the many challenges facing the automotive industry. Reducing vehicle weight increases engine performance and fuel efficiency/battery range - which are critical industry indicators in today’s automotive world.  

As a result, newer, thinner and stronger materials such as multi-phase steels are replacing traditional micro-alloyed and heat-treated steels.  Recently, zinc-coated steels and aluminum are being introduced for corrosion protection in chassis, frames, and other welded components applications.

Further challenges brought on by light-weighting focus on welding, stiffness, vibration and noise.  Additionally, the pretreatment requirements for different composition welded materials are being challenged.  

A neutral descaler is an innovative and successful material introduced to address specific challenges associated with metal pretreatment and electrocoating of single metal or mixed metal lines. A neutral descaler improves phosphate coverage on welds and heat affected zones resulting in increased paint adhesion and overall corrosion protection while allowing the use of zinc-coated and aluminum substrates.

This presentation demonstrates the application process and performance enhancements gained by using a neutral descaler. Additionally, phosphate coverage in and near weld areas on different substrates will be reviewed along with the adhesion and corrosion protection advantages.

Type: Learning Station VI: Corrosion and Technology
