E-coat for High Profile Substrates

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, April 21 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Event Location

Location: Osceola Ballroom DE

Event Information

Title: E-coat for High Profile Substrates


E-coat has been overlooked as a coating solution for high profile substrates due to limitations in film build capabilities and the ability to cover a rough, high profile substrate.  This presentation details new advances in electrocoat technology which make it possible to be a superior solution for these applications.


E-coat has been long overlooked as a coating solution for high profile substrates. Past limitations in film build capabilities on rough parts prohibited proper coverage of profile peaks and other substrate defects. New advancements in ecoat technology now enable electrodeposition coatings to supply enough coating thickness to produce a smooth, continuous film over substrates such as cast iron parts; waste, vent and drain pipes; heavy duty equipment; fittings; and other high profile substrates. Superior corrosion performance, adhesion, chemical resistance, and other physical properties seen with high build electrocoat have been shown to outperform liquid and powder coating technologies. This presentation will outline novel high film build ecoat technology advancements that enable electrocoat to be a competitor in markets where rough, high profile substrates are used. This presentation details new advances in electrocoat technology which make it possible to be a superior solution for these applications.

Type: Learning Station VI: Corrosion and Technology
