What Are You Doing With Your Maintenance Today to Prepare for Tomorrow?

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Originally Aired - Thursday, April 21 3:10 PM - 4:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Location: Celebration

Event Information

Title: What Are You Doing With Your Maintenance Today to Prepare for Tomorrow?


We have all heard and experience the many technological changes occurrign by Industry 4.0. This paper explores the questions to ask yourself when determining how to implement these changes.


I found myself in front of the plant management, yet again, trying to defend my maintenance department after a critical machine downtime. I was recently promoted to Maintenance Manager, and I did not have the answers to rapid-fire questions: Why didn’t the PM catch this? What can we add to detect this? What is the Industry 4.0 solution?

Industry 4.0 is the term given to the latest trend of growing technological advances. There is pressure to implement the latest technologies lest you fall behind the industry. In several ways, implementation affects the maintenance of the equipment first. However, how do you introduce 21st century technology into a 20th century machine? I will tell you how I started. First, by understanding the current maintenance practices and then asking myself some basic questions leading to an informed decision as to which technology would benefit my equipment the most.

Type: Learning Station V: End User Perspectives
