The Culture Fix

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, April 21 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Event Location

Location: Celebration

Event Information

Title: The Culture Fix


A company's core values, propelry defined and properly promoted, can serve as the foundation for having a company culture that promotes team member engagement and success.  This presentaion will define the steps we have taken at Max Coating to make our core values a part of our daily routine.


Recent polling data makes it clear that most companies suffer from disengaged team members.  The effect that can have on safety, quality, delivery and profitability in an ecoat shop can be devastating.

So how can we avoid this alarming trend in our own operations?  What can we do on our shop floor to ensure we have a company culture that promotes an engaged, productive team?

At Max Coating, we started with core values.  Most companies have them, but many do not truly live them.  This presentation will focus on the things that Max Coating does in daily huddles, weekly team meetings and customer interactions to continually reinforce the role core values play in building a culture of engagement and success.

Type: Learning Station V: End User Perspectives
