To Manage or to Coach, That Is the Question

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, April 21 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Event Location

Location: Osceola Ballroom DE

Event Information

Title: To Manage or to Coach, That Is the Question


In this session, you will learn the differences between managing and coaching, assess your coaching mindset, learn the SMART+ method of setting positive goals for employees, understand the Do’s and Dont’s of providing verbal feedback, and review powerful coaching questions that expand learning and open fresh perspectives.


Leaders of teams or of entire organizations wear multiple hats and must shift gears when interacting with employees to best inspire, motivate, and hold them accountable to business and performance goals. How do leaders know when to manage or when to coach? Do leaders know the difference? In this session, you will learn the differences between managing and coaching, assess your coaching mindset, learn the SMART+ method of setting positive goals for employees, understand the Do’s and Dont’s of providing verbal feedback, and review powerful coaching questions that expand learning and open fresh perspectives.

Type: General Session & Keynote
