E-Coating is an Electrifying Business

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Originally Aired - Thursday, April 21 1:10 PM - 1:40 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Location: Celebration

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Title: E-Coating is an Electrifying Business


The Electric Vehicle Market is electrifying on all fronts.  Several conferences ago our industry was struggling with the downturn in the economy. Jeff Oravitz was a Speaker/Moderator, and he made a comment that resonated with me.  “Our E-Coat Industry needs to follow the Money”. True then and True Now.  


E-Coating is now providing corrosion protection in the Electric Vehicle Market. The Electric Vehicle Market is a market that was only a topic of discussion just a few short years ago.  Now the Electric Vehicle Market is electrifying on all fronts.  

The use of Electrodeposition Coatings (E-Coat) is in the Transportation Industry is electrifying and is moving at a lighting pace towards a wider range of electric powered vehicles. Most, if not all major OEM Automobile, Light Duty Trucks and many other transportation manufacturers have some type of hybrid or electric vehicle in their portfolio. Keep in mind most OEMs are always working on the next generation concepts and models 2-4 years out.

Now is the time to talk about where the electric powered vehicles market is now and where it is expected to go and the Short-Term and Long-Term effects on the E-Coat industry.

Type: Learning Station V: End User Perspectives
