A New Approach to Material Handling Through an ECOAT Line

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, April 21 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Location: Harmony

Event Information

Title: A New Approach to Material Handling Through an ECOAT Line


A new flexible, automated, cutting edge material handling innovation could transform your idea of an electrocoating line. Battery powered, individually programmed vehicles run wirelessly on simple I-Beam without chain. It is modular, scalable, efficient, and designed with safety in mind.


Over time, with every new coating system, innovations on the tried-and-true products happen. New tank designs, new equipment, new hardware and software for the controls; these innovations make products better through lower prices, added features, or more robust design. Other innovations change the product offering by redefining the value proposition. They offer a new way of doing something. Then there are clever combinations of existing technologies that have been applied in such a way that it has an impact on how things get done.

Joe Laubenthal will discuss a new flexible, automated, cutting edge material handling innovation and how it could transform your idea of an electrocoating line. This system consists of battery powered, individually programmed vehicles that run wirelessly on simple I-Beam without chain. This system could be designed to be modular and scalable in concept allowing for production volumes to be easily adapted for all scenarios. Demand-oriented process times, different quality requirements and different part profiles can all be accommodated in one system. Reliable and consistent point-to-point movement allows for seamless integration of robots and other equipment as part of today’s high tech, coating lines.

Type: Learning Station IV: Equipment / Material Handling Considerations
