I Want to Ecoat, Now What?

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, April 20 4:30 PM - 5:20 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Event Location

Location: Osceola Ballroom DE

Event Information

Title: I Want to Ecoat, Now What?


Learn about assembling the appropriate team of suppliers and choosing the appropriate pretreatment chemistries and ecoat to achieve your desired performance.


If you’re considering getting into ecoating, this presentation will cover all the information you will need to take into account before you begin. You’ll learn about assembling the appropriate team of suppliers and choosing the appropriate pretreatment chemistries and ecoat to achieve the desired performance from your ecoating. This team of presenters will help you gather all the information to determine what will be required for your project and what other preparations you will need to take for your ecoating operation to be a success.

Type: Learning Station III: Management in Today's Smart Industries
