Impact of Transformation Technologies 4.0 in the Surface Finishing Industry

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, April 20 3:30 PM - 4:20 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Location: Osceola Ballroom DE

Event Information

Title: Impact of Transformation Technologies 4.0 in the Surface Finishing Industry


This session will discuss the impact that disruptive transformation technologies 4.0 bring to the surface finishing industry, and the effects on operations, commercial efforts, competitiveness, economic life of capital equipment, organizational culture, governance, education, IT security, among other perspectives. The advance of disruptive technologies at a global level.


The advance of disruptive technologies at a global level, reflected daily in our homes, leads us to accept that a hasty technological evolution is inevitable. Successful cases require that an aligned business strategy must be in place, an adequate continuous improvement plan, in addition to maintain a positive attitude towards these changes, so these technologies can be fully exploited and ensure that its true added value can be used to its fullest extent.

This session will also talk about the metrics that must be considered, the myths, the Top Management questions regarding these initiatives, the impacts on the industry, effects on the organizational culture, the technical and business knowledge requirements to be able to adopt them successfully, among other topics. Food-for-thought and call-to-action to adopt disruptive technologies 4.0, but especially a call to analyze what is the ideal scenario with tangible results.

Type: Learning Station III: Management in Today's Smart Industries
