E-coat Lines in the Smart Industries

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, April 20 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Event Location

Location: Osceola Ballroom DE

Event Information

Title: E-coat Lines in the Smart Industries


Erzinger has developed Ecoat lines along the last twenty years providing solutions for their customers. At this presentation the attendees will be able to know how it’s possible to make big improvements with simple technologies. In this presentation we will show our system “Smart in Line'' developed for smart industries.


The electrodeposition process is a physical-chemical phenomenon that gives metallic materials greater durability and resistance to corrosion. This process is called Electrocoat and can be performed by a set of equipment with the objective of cleaning, preparing, depositing and curing organic paints on a metallic surface.

The Ecoat process follows some steps like, washing stages, surface preparation with phosphates or nanotechnology and the deposition of the paint itself require a set of equipment for transportation, accommodation of the baths, as well as regeneration and recovery of the products used in the process.

Erzinger has been working on the implementation of technologies for industry 4.0 (IoT), through the development of a platform for the acquisition and treatment of the variables of Ecoat systems. The “Smart in Line'' is equipped with technologies to assist the management of several variables like trends in consumption, maintenance, economy, connectivity and machine learning.

“Smart in Line” is a digital platform that centrally holds all the monitored information of the equipment, through the application of sensors that perform the reading of a big quantity of variables relevant to the painting process. Providing the user with a large volume of parameters for making relevant decisions to the process.



Type: Learning Station III: Management in Today's Smart Industries
