New Advancements in the Design of the Spiral Wound Element

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, April 20 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Location: Harmony

Event Information

Title: New Advancements in the Design of the Spiral Wound Element


Since the development of spiral wound element there has been continuous advancements in membranes. Although membrane technology is constantly improving the spiral wound element design has not. This paper will provide new examples to advance the design of the spiral wound element, increasing membrane effectiveness and increased production of permeate.



The Electrocoat spiral wound element have been constructed in the same way since its creation in the 1970’s by Dr. Lee. Although there have been advancements in the membrane, the element design has not kept up. This paper will discuss changes to the element design, and what those changes could mean to system design and permeate production.

Type: Learning Station II: Sustainability
