Waste Water Recovery and Reuse from Electrocoat Rinse Waters

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, April 20 4:10 PM - 4:40 PM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Location: Harmony

Event Information

Title: Waste Water Recovery and Reuse from Electrocoat Rinse Waters


There are several operations where rinse water in both pre and post treatment are discharged to centralizes waste treatment. This paper will provide an option using Spiral Tangential Flow Membranes to recover and reuse this waste water reducing waste treatment and city water usage.


Minimizing Water and Waste Water treatment are opportunities to reduce operational cost while at the same time being more environmentally responsible. This paper will describe the results of a pilot system used in an automotive assembly plant that resulted in the recovery of up to 90% of the waste water from body rinsing to be reused as feed to their current Reverse Osmosis (RO) system. It will highlight the potential water and operational savings while producing a water for reuse that is of higher quality than the city water currently being use to feed the RO system

Type: Learning Station II: Sustainability
