10+2 Years Later: What Has Changed and What Does Change Look Like in the Future?

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, April 20 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Location: Osceola Ballroom DE

Event Information

Title: 10+2 Years Later: What Has Changed and What Does Change Look Like in the Future?


Resurgence in manufacturing, growth of economies, improvements in employment, business health, and standards of living have occurred. Challenges with trade friction, income inequality, aging workforces/limited availability, concern for climate change, and now COVID-19 have been headwinds. All of these shape the environment for coatings and Electrocoat in particular.  


  1. Where are we 10+2 years later?  

The state of the economy and manufacturing, the consumer, labor force dynamics, trade impacts, and the current state of disruptive technologies with the potential to reshape our world.

  1. What is happening in the world of coatings and what is the impact of the pandemic?

Highlights from the ever-evolving global coatings industry, with respect to markets and segments (both geographic and industry vertical), consolidation, technology trends, and key challenges and opportunities.  A view of the impacts of COVID-19 on the coatings industry will be presented, as well as some opportunities the pandemic has created.

  1. Electrocoat:  Where do we go from here?

Implications for the future of Electrocoat, including opportunities, challenges, and a call for increased innovation to expand the efficacy of the technology.

Type: General Session & Keynote
